Course Evaluations

Course Evaluations

What are Course Evaluations? Course evaluations are a series of questions pertaining to a course of instruction.  At Lincoln, the faculty committee on Assessment and Evaluation oversees the development and review of course evaluation questions.  The Office of Institutional Effectiveness, Research and Planning coordinates the implementation, analysis, reporting and dissemination of the data.

Why do we have Course Evaluations? The primary purpose of course evaluations is to empower students with the opportunity to provide feedback regarding the content, delivery and instruction provided in the respective course.  Feedback from the student perspective allows faculty to reflect upon, assess and revise their pedagogy (teaching) to further enhance the student learning experience.  In addition, course evaluations are used in the promotion, tenure and severance process for faculty. 


Course Evaluations Flyer

Course Evaluations and Survey Reports - How to create reports
Please note that these resources refer to the Course Evaluations and Surveys platform by its former name "EvaluationKit". Although the platform name has changed, the information is still correct.

Instructions (pdf)

Instructor reports - single semester - Instructions

Instructor reports - multiple semesters - Instructions

Chair/Department reports - single semester - Instructions

Chair/Department reports - multiple semesters - Instructions


Instructor reports - multiple semesters - videos

Chair/Department reports - single semester - videos

Chair/Department reports - multiple semesters - videos