November 2019-May 2020:
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Residence Hall Association is your student voice in your residence hall. This organization is a hybrid of event programming and student advocacy. Residence Hall Association is the second-largest student-run organization on campus. RHA Meetings occur every Tuesday school is in session at 7 p.m. in the Student Union Building Theater.
Residence Hall Association is apart of a regional organization for RHA's entitled: CAACURH (Central Atlantic Association of College and University Residence Halls) and the national organziation for Residence Hall Association entitled: NACURH (National Association of College and University Residence Halls).
We, the residents of the Lincoln University residence halls, under the authority of the Office of Residence Life, hereby create a system that: encourages cooperation, coordination, cohesion, and communication among residents; enhances student development through educational and social programming; promotes the welfare of the university community as a whole; and establishes an effective and representative body for residence hall related issues. Therefore, we hereby establish this constitution of the Lincoln University Hall Councils.
Mission Statement
The mission of The Lincoln University Office of Residence Life Hall Councils are to enhance and develop the life of residential students within the residence halls on campus through advocacy, programming, and leadership opportunities and by providing a place to voice concerns about Residence Life procedures, policies, and facilities.
Article I: Name, Location, and Affiliation
Section 1: The organization shall be called the Lincoln University Hall Councils, hereinafter referred to as the HC.
Section 2: This shall be a coeducation organization and the use of “they” or “their” in the Constitution and By-Laws is nonspecific and does not refer to gender
Section 3: The organization shall be located on the campus of Lincoln University in Pennsylvania.
Section 4: The activities of this organization shall be carried out in association with the Office of Residence Life and Residence Hall Association.
Article II: Purpose
The purpose of this organization shall be:
Article III: Membership
Article IV: Government
Section 1: Two designated professional staff members will directly advise this organization.
Section 2: One to two Resident Advisors per building will advise the individual hall councils
Section 3: There shall be a Hall Council for each residence hall on Lincoln University’s campus elected by the residents of that particular residence hall. The Hall Council shall consist of a President, Vice- President, Secretary, Treasurer, Historian, Parliamentarian, King, and Queen. In case of limited candidates, positions and those responsibilities may either be combined (with the exception of the President) or either appointed at the discretion of the President.
Section 4: Hall Council Eligibility: Hall council eligibility shall be established as follows: In order to be eligible to run for a hall council position in HC, residents must possess no less than a 2.0 cumulative grade point average at the time of elections. Residents must maintain at least a 2.0 cumulative grade point average for the duration of their term in office. Hall Council members who fall below a 2.0 cumulative grade point average must resign. (Hall Council members who fall below a 2.0 must meet with a time management counselor for two sessions to remain on the board)
Section 5: All hall council members must attend all meetings, training and executive all duties as outlined in the constitution or active bylaws
Committees and subcommittees, including those mentioned and not mentioned in the By-Laws, may be formed as necessary with the board members acting as, or appointing, chairpersons. These offices are available to interested members and will be elected or appointed according to the stipulations of the By-Laws or assessment of the advisor
Article V: Duties and Responsibilities of the Components of the Hall Councils
Section 1: The components of the hall council shall be as follows:
Section 3: Hall Council
Section 4: The general body of Hall Councils consists of all residential students.
Article VI: Term of Office
Section 1: All members of the Hall Council shall hold office for a term of one year, commencing immediately after elections results are announced in the fall semester and ending on the last day of the spring semester of the following year.
Section 2: There is no maximum term a hall council member shall hold their position.
Section 3: A hall council executive board member automatically forfeits their position if they switch residence halls.
Article VII: Impeachment
Section 1: In the event that a Hall Council member cannot fulfill their duties to the organization, an impeachment process may ensue
Article VIII: Chain of Succession
Section 1: Should it become necessary for the President to resign from their office, the Vice President shall immediately, upon the President’s formal resignation, assume the office of the President, until such time as the term is finished. (If Vice President declines the position as president, the board may collectively decide who may be the best president.)
Section 2: Should it become necessary for more members than just the President to resign, the Chain of succession shall be as follows: President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Historian, King, and Queen.
Article IX: Ratification
This constitution will be ratified by a simple majority approval by the RHA General Body
Lion Pride of the Months is a fun and easy way to recognize students, faculty, and staff on campus. To submit a nomination please visit Lion Pride of the Month.
You can nominate people and organizations under the General selection or a campus program under the Program selection.
Description of the General Categories:
Executive Board Member
First-Year Student
Institution Faculty/Staff
Residence Life Professional Staff
Resident Assistant
Residential Community
Student Staff Member
Final Of the Year:
November 2019-May 2020:
No Winners/No Nominations
October 2019: