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The Writing and Reading Center offers the academic support services to students in their writing and reading projects. It has three major tasks:
1) Support the Lincoln University developmental students in writing courses and others
2) Provide support to all LU students in all writing courses at all levels
3) Coordinate the preparation and submission of the Writing Proficiency Portfolio requirement.
The Writing & Reading Center (WRC) has two major goals:
• Increase the reading and writing proficiency of students taking developmental reading and writing courses and all other LU students, and
• Improve retention and timely graduation rates of The Lincoln University students by offering the academic support services they need to ensure their academic success.
WRC SLOs are to help students develop the following skills:
a- Provide tutorial and instructional support to students in ENG 099 to help them develop writing and reading competence
b- Support developmental students in ENG 099 in all writing assignments and at different stages of their writing process and in the preparation of their exemption portfolios for ENG 102
c- Support the writing and reading needs of the university at large in all disciplines, all assignments, and at different stages of the writing process.
d- Provide tutorial support to all developmental students beyond their developmental courses.
e- Provide support to LU students in their WPP portfolio preparation and revision.