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Policy Name | Effective Date/Last Revision Date |
By-Laws of Lincoln University Board of Trustees | September 17, 2022 |
Charge to Committees | September 1999 |
Charter of Lincoln University | January 4, 1897 |
Code of Conduct at Lincoln University, Revised | October 22, 1999 |
Endowment Fund Investment Guidelines and Policies | October 27, 2003 |
Endowment Fund Spending Policy | April 21, 2001 |
This page was last updated on October 27, 2006.
Lincoln University Board of Trustees Charge to Committees
September, 1999
Committee | Charge |
Educational Policy & Academic Affairs | Evaluate core competencies and ways to maximize them Work with the University to review and revise the tenure process Consult with the President on the Strategic Planning Process |
Business Affairs | Develop sound fiscal policies for Board action which help manage short-term financial challenges but are forward thinking in planning for the University's future financial vitality |
Planning & Development | Develop a framework for identifying how each Trustee can be helpful in securing major financial contributions for the University's priorities Put together a plan for the inauguration of Dr. Nelson Work with the Development Office as it sets priorities for fundraising and "friend raising activities" |
Buildings & Property | Focus the Committee's attention on the state of the historic and aging buildings on campus Ensure that particular attention is given to resolving problems in student dormitories and living quarters Determine the suitable housing for any special art, artifacts or books housed on campus |
Trustees, Degrees & Nominations | Fill vacancies on the Board Develop Board contributions policy for adoption by the Board Present nominees for Honorary Degrees to the Board Establish a stable new Board member orientation program and a Summer full Board planning program Develop a Board policy manual |
Student Affairs | Continue meetings that include students Work closely with the Buildings & Property Committee and the Ad Hoc Committee on Technology and the Library to ensure that the plant and technological needs of the students are being addressed |
Evaluations | Consult with Dr. Nelson on the development on his measurable goals consistent with the Presidential Priorities approved by the Board Begin to work with the University in preparing the Board of Trustees for the University wide strategic planning process Make recommendations on how to measure the Board's effectiveness |
Audit Committee | Focus on the review and follow up of recommendations from the University's outside auditor and audit statements Ensure that the fiscal policies adopted by the Board are executed in a manner consistent with standard accounting procedures Monitor and provide oversight of the follow up by the University and where appropriate, the Board, To resolve audit findings from the commonwealth of PA auditor General and any other governmental audits |
Technology & Library | Identify a qualified focal point for the University's operations Set up technology goals, related policies and priorities that will enable the University to operate more efficiently and the students to receive education in a more effective, innovative manner Provide guidance on policies regarding the library and innovative ways to leverage resources we currently have in the building Look at the physical plant challenges relative to the IT infrastructure as well as the actual housing of books, periodicals and information |
Ad Hoc By-laws | Review the Board By-laws and present a package of By-law revisions to the Board for action no later than the November, 1999 meeting |
External Affairs |
Recognizing the importance of the University in the Commonwealth’s and the Nation’s system of higher education, the University, acting through its Board of Trustees, promulgates this Code of Conduct. Unless otherwise indicated, the various provisions of this Code apply to all officers, administrators, faculty and full-time or part-time employees of the University. Because certain University functions such as procurement have a particularly high level of vulnerability, they are dealt with in greater detail. This policy is not meant to detract from or amend any collective bargaining agreement.
Conflicts of Interest
Outside Employment
In general, no officer of employee shall have outside employment that is inconsistent with his status as an officer or employee of the University. Moreover, no officer or employee may work for a supplier or contractor of the University. See also Conflicts of Interest, #3, Acquisition from Related Parties. The University will, in the final analysis, determine what outside employment is inconsistent with University interests. Extramural activities by the Faculty is specifically covered by the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the University and the Faculty.
Use of Confidential Information
A conflict of interest exists when an officer or employee or his Immediate Family use for personal gain or for the benefit of others any confidential information obtained by the officer or employee as a result of his employment with the University. Information related to Transactions is particularly sensitive. Designs, operational procedures, technical information and pricing practices of suppliers and contractors with the University constitute commercial assess of those entities and as such, any direct or indirect use or disclosure of a supplier or contractor’s protected data by a University officer of employee, except for official business, is unethical and prohibited by this Policy.
Misuse of University Property and Misappropriation of Business Opportunities
No officer or employee of the University shall use any University equipment, supplies, or property for his own private gain or for other than officially designated purposes. Officially designated purposes include occupancy by the President of the official residence and unrestricted use of an automobile. In addition, a conflict of interest exist when an officer of employee, without the knowledge and consent of the University, appropriates to himself or to another, the benefits of any business venture, idea, opportunity or potential opportunity about which such officer or employee learned or developed in the course of his employment, which is related to the current or prospective business of the University.
Special Provisions for Officers & Employees in the Purchasing Department
All officers and employees in the Purchasing Department are required to have a particularly highly developed sense of professional ethics. This is because these officers and employees are in a position to commit substantial University funds or to withhold substantial funds and rewards from suppliers or contractors who service the University. Officers and employees in the Purchasing Department, in addition to this Code of Conduct, should review and follow the Code of Ethics established by the National Association of Educational Buyers (“NAEB”), which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. The 12 tenants of the NAEB Code of Ethics repeat and reinforce many of the specific concepts contained in the University’s Code of Conduct.
Statement of Financial Disclosure
All officers of the University and employees in the Purchasing Department with authority to commit University funds are required annually to file with Counsel for the University, a Statement of Financial Disclosure. The officer positions of the University are included as an attachment to this Code.
Any officer or employee, who refuses or fails to comply with this Code of Conduct, including the filing of a Statement of Financial Disclosure, where required, shall be subject to disciplinary action including, but not limited to, reprimands, suspensions and termination. Every officer or employee subject to this Code of Conduct shall be required, on an annual basis, to read the Code of Conduct and sign a statement to that effect. Each newly appointed officer and employee hired shall do the same at the time of appointment or hire.
Asset Class | Investment Range |
Equities (including cash securities and international issues) | 20% 80% |
Fixed Income (including cash equivalents and international issues) | 80% 20% |
agent. An entity acting for and on behalf of a principal, which may be either a resource provider or a beneficiary.
Authorized Trustee Banks. Custodian.
charitable lead trust. A trust established in connection with a split- interest agreement, in which the donor or a third-party beneficiary receives specified distribution during the agreement’s term. Upon termination of the trust, a not-for-profit organization receives the assets remaining in the trust.
contribution. An unconditional transfer of cash or other assets to an entity or a settlement or cancellation of its liabilities in a voluntary non-reciprocal transfer by another entity acting other than as an owner
corpus. The principal amount of a gift or trust. Usually refers to the portion of a split-interest gift or an endowment fund that must be maintained over a specified period or in perpetuity.
designated net assets. Unrestricted net assets subject to self-imposed limits by action of the governing board. Designated net assets may be earmarked for future programs, investment, contingencies, purchase or construction of fixed assets, or other uses.
donor-imposed restriction. A donor stipulation that specifies a use for the contributed asset that is more specific than broad limits resulting from the nature of the organization, the environment in which it operates, and the purposes specified in its articles of incorporation or bylaws, or comparable documents for an unincorporated association. A restriction on an organization’s use of the asset contributed may be temporary or permanent.
endowment fund. An established fund of cash, securities, or other assets to provide income for the maintenance of a not-for-profit organization. The use of the assets of the fund may be permanently restricted, temporarily restricted, or unrestricted. Endowment funds are generally established by donor-restricted gifts and bequests to provide a permanent endowment, which is to provide a permanent source of income, or a term endowment, which is to provide income for specified period. The portion of permanent endowment that must be maintained permanently – not used up, expended, or otherwise exhausted – is classified as temporarily restricted net assets. An organization’s governing board may earmark a portion of its unrestricted net assets as a board-designated endowment (sometimes referred to as funds functioning as endowment or quasi-endowment funds) to be invested to provide income for a long but unspecified period. A board-designated endowment, which results from an internal designation, is not donor-restricted and is classified as unrestricted assets.
equity/equities. An asset class that refers to ownership, i.e., common stock, preferred stock.
fixed income. An asset class that refers to being a creditor of the entity, i.e., U.S. government securities, U.S. agency securities, corporate bonds, mortgage securities--Ginnie Mae, Fannie Mae.
funds functioning as endowment. Unrestricted net assets earmarked by an organization’s governing board, rather than restricted by a donor or other outside agency, to be invested to provide income for a long but unspecified period. A board-designated endowment, which results from an internal designation, is not donor-restricted and is classified as unrestricted net assets. The governing board has the right to decide at any time to expend the principal of such funds. (Sometimes referred to as quasi-endowment funds.)
fund raising activities. Activities undertaken to induce potential donors to contribute money, securities, services, materials, facilities, other assets, or time. They include publicizing and conducting fund raising campaigns; maintaining donor mailing lists, conducting special fund raising events; preparing and distributing fund raising manuals, instructions, and other materials; and conducting other activities involved with soliciting contributions from individuals, foundations, governments, and others.
funds held in trust by others. Resources held and administered, at the direction of the resource provider, by an outside trustee for the benefit of the organization, frequently with the connection with a split-interest agreement or permanent endowment.
income. Includes net interest; net dividends; and net appreciation, over the historic dollar value realized or unrealized, in the fair market value of the assets.
interest and dividend income. Includes net interest and dividends earned, but not net appreciation over the historic dollar value realized or unrealized, in the fair value of the assets.
net assets. The excess or deficiency of assets over liabilities, classified according to the existence or absence of donor-imposed restriction.
net asset class(es). The classification of net assets based upon the existence or absence of donor-imposed restrictions.
permanent restriction. A donor-imposed restriction that stipulates that resources be maintained permanently but permits the organization to use up or expend part or all of the income (or other economic benefits) derived from the donated assets.
permanently restricted net assets. The part of the net assets of a not-for- profit organization resulting from (a) contributions and other inflows of assets whose use by the organization is limited by donor-imposed stipulations that neither expire by passage of time nor can be fulfilled or otherwise removed by actions of the organization, (b) other asset enhancements and diminishments subject to the same kinds of stipulations, and (c) reclassifications from (or to other) classes of net assets as a consequence of donor-imposed stipulations.
principal. Assets of the fund not distributed under the terms of this Statement in contrast to corpus, which is the original value of gift.
remainderman. The recipient of the corpus (remaining principal) of a trust upon termination.
restricted support. Donor-restricted revenues or gains from contributions that increase either temporarily restricted net assets or permanently restricted net assets.
risk. Can be regarded as the amount of variability in principal value or uncertainty of the total rate of return.
spending-rate. The portion of total return on investments used for fiscal needs of the current period, usually used as a budgetary method of reporting returns of investments. It is usually measured in terms of an amount or a specified percentage of a moving average market value. Typically, the selection of a spending rate emphasizes (a) the use of prudence and a systematic formula to determine the portion of cumulative investments return that can be used to support fiscal needs of the current period, and (b) the protection of endowment gifts from a loss of purchasing power as a consideration in determining the formula to be used.
stipulation. A statement by a donor that creates a condition or restriction on the use of transferred resources.
temporary restriction. A donor-imposed restriction that permits the donor organization to use up or expend the donated assets as specified and is satisfied either by the passage of time or by actions of the organization.
temporarily restricted net assets. The part of the net assets of a not-for-profit organization resulting from (a) contributions and other inflows of assets whose use by the organization is limited by donor-imposed stipulations that either expire by the passage of time or can be fulfilled and removed by actions of the organizations pursuant to those stipulations, (b) other assets enhancements and diminishments subject to the same kind of stipulations, and (c) reclassifications to (or from) other classes of net assets as a consequence of donor-imposed stipulations, their expiration by passage of time, or their fulfillment and removal by actions of the organization pursuant to those stipulations.
term endowment. A donor-restricted contribution that must be maintained for a specified term.
total return. A measure of investment performance that focuses on the overall return on investments, including interest and dividend income as well as realized and unrealized gains and losses on investments. Frequently used in connection with a spending-rate formula to determine how much of that return will be used for fiscal needs of the current period.
unrestricted net assets. The part of net assets of a not-for-profit organization that is neither permanently restricted or temporarily restricted by donor-imposed stipulations.
unrestricted support. Revenues or gains from contributions that are not restricted by donors.
Subject to the donor's intent the objective of the Lincoln University Endowment Fund's (the "Fund") management of its investments is to provide a consistent level of support for current and future beneficiaries. By establishing an endowment spending policy, the Fund will aid Lincoln University (the "University") in creating a means for greater predictability in forecasting spendable income and gradual, steady growth.
The Board of Trustees of Lincoln University (the "Board"), in accordance with Section 5548 of the Non-Profit Business Corporation Law, will use the total return method to define income. The latter income is defined as being derived from capital appreciation (realized or unrealized), earnings or both as a percentage, not less than 2% or more than 7% of the Fund's assets at fair market value averaged over a period of three preceding years. Under this spending policy the spending percentage between 2% and 7% approved by the Board will be determined based on the total income as defined by the latter statement. The proposed percentage must be submitted in writing annually for the Board's approval.