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If you suffer a work-related injury while employed at Lincoln University, PA, your reasonable medical and surgical services and supplies will be covered by Traveler's Insurance. This includes orthopedic appliances and prostheses, and/or training in their use.
PowerPoint Presentation: Online Claim Reporting on
In order to ensure that your medical treatment will be paid for by Traveler's Insurance, you must select from one of the designated health care providers listed below:
Penn Orthopaedic
105 Vineyard Way Ste 101
West Grove, PA 19390
General Surgery
Mid Atlantic Surgical Practice
1015 W Baltimore Pike
West Grove, PA 19390
Occupational Medicine
The Occupational Health Center
830 W Cypress St
Kennett Square, PA 19348
Advanced Orthopedic Assoc of PA
105 Vineyard Way Ste 101
West Grove, PA 19390
Physical Therapy
Align Networks
Call for Scheduling
Carty Eye Associates
1011 W Baltimore Pike Ste 211
West Grove PA 19390
Durable Medical Equipment
Avondale Chiropractic
417 Pennsylvania Ave
Avondale PA 19311
All major chain pharmacies
HealthSystems BIN#012874
877-528-9497 if you need assistance
Diagnostic Testing
One Call Care Management
Call for scheduling
**(NOTE: If any of the health care providers listed above are employer-owned or controlled by the employer or the employer’s carrier, it will be so designated by an asterisk next to the health care provider’s name.)
You must continue to visit one of these health care providers listed above, if you need treatment, for ninety (90) days from the date of your first visit.
After this ninety (90) day period, if you still need treatment and your employer has provided a list as set forth above, you may choose to go to another health care provider. You MUST notify your employer of this action within five (5) days of your visit to the health care providers of your choice.
Your bills will be considered IF: your health care provider files written reports on a form prescribed by the Department (these reports must be filed within ten (10) days of commencing treatment and at least once a month thereafter, as long as treatment continues).
If one of the health care providers listed above refers you to another health care provider, your Worker's Compensation Insurance Provider will pay the bill for these services provided they are reasonable and necessary.
If you are faced with a medical emergency, you may secure assistance from a hospital or health care provider of your choice.