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In the event of a medical emergency, the University takes every precaution to ensure the health and safety of all students and employees. Consistent with this concern, the University will adhere to the following guidelines below in the event of a medical emergency for all incoming students.
As health insurance coverage is mandatory, a student accident and sickness policy has been designed for Lincoln University students. Therefore, in order to have the insurance fee removed from their student account, students must verify personal coverage by returning the Health Insurance Notification form to the Division of Student Success before the beginning of each school year. Failure to provide proof of personal coverage will result in the student being charged the student insurance fee. This information must be presented every year the student attends the University. If you have questions, contact the Division of Student Success at 484-365-7222.
All students should report to the Office of Health Services for treatment of any illness or injury, no matter how minor it may seem. A student injury report form should be completed by the student to document any injuries. If the health services office is closed, students should contact their residence hall coordinator or resident advisor; or in an extreme emergency, the Department of Public Safety will direct the student and arrange transportation to the Jennersville Hospital. Health services hours of operation: Monday-Wednesday-Thursday 9am-9pm (with the last appointments taken at 8pm) and Tuesday and Friday 9am-4pm. Transportation to doctors’ appointments in the local area may be provided only during designated times, by appointment, given 24 hours’ notice to health services by calling 484-365-7338 to schedule ( to include pharmacy and other diagnostic testing appointments, etc.).
In instances where students are rendered medical treatment without informing the appropriate University personnel or health services at the time of incident, the student should report to health services immediately following medical treatment. If a student is admitted to the hospital, a member of the family, friend or roommate should notify health services in person or at the following number 484-365-7338. As well, a discharge summary of treatment and instructions should be brought to health services.
In the event of a student hospitalization, health services will make every attempt to contact the student to ensure that everything is going smoothly and, if necessary, aid the student. In all instances, a student or employee incident form should be completed for the health services file. Students are required to sign a waiver allowing health services to provide information to an individual(s) of the student’s designation in the event of an emergency.
An emergency is an unexpected, serious occurrence or situation which requires prompt action. In the event of an emergency, University personnel will either transport the student or immediately call for an ambulance. The following is a list of criteria that require the University to call an ambulance:
The following is a list of emergencies for which the University will provide transportation:
In every instance, health services will ensure that all medical information received is maintained in the strictest confidence.
Consistent with recommendations by the American College Health Association (ACHA), the Centers for Disease Control and the Pennsylvania State Department of Health, Lincoln University implemented a mandatory matriculation Immunization and a pre-admission physical examination requirement in September 1999. Vaccine-preventable diseases are occurring at increasing rates nationwide. Much of this has been among the young college-age population. Consequently, Lincoln University adopted this matriculation policy to reduce future outbreaks and to help eradicate preventable diseases.
All incoming first-year students and readmitted, international, and transfer students are required to provide proof of immunization for tuberculosis (mantoux or PPD), tetanus/diphtheria/pertussis (Tdap/dtap), 2 dates of measles, mumps, rubella (MMR), meningitis (Menactra), and 2 dates of varicella (chickenpox). If you do not have 2 dates for MMR & varicella you must have a positive blood titer report on file.
*If you have a positive tuberculosis test, you MUST have a negative chest x-ray report on file.
An immunization and physical examination form is mailed and/or emailed to all new students and must be completed and returned to the health services prior to the student’s registration for the following semester. All students can obtain this form from the health services office or on the health services website.
A physical examination may be scheduled with the health service physician for a fee of $75.
Some vaccinations are available at the health services department for a fee of $130 Varivax (each), TB Tuberculosis Vaccine $30, Tetanus $40, MMR $100 (each), Meningitis $200, Hep B $80 per injection, $240 total can be given.
Students who are not in compliance with this requirement are unable to register for housing or classes for the semester. A hold is placed on their account; it will only be lifted by health services upon receipt of the required information.
An individual who objects to immunization upon the grounds that they conflict with his or her bona fide religious beliefs and practices may not be required to present a physician’s certificate of immunization in order to register for classes. A religious exemption may be obtained by submitting the request to the director of health services. This exemption will not apply in case of emergency or a disease epidemic which is declared by the Pennsylvania Department of Health or the department’s designee.
The Infection Control Program helps to reduce the University community’s exposure to blood-borne pathogens, such as HBV (Hepatitis B) and HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus). Exercise caution when using lavatories, science laboratories, or anywhere that there is a potential to share body fluids. The infection control program is mandated by the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
The University does not discriminate against individuals who are HIV-positive or have AIDS. They are to be treated with respect and dignity and are not to be denied any university services due to them on the basis of their HIV or AIDS status. This also includes admission to the University.
There are no restrictions which exclude students from residential housing who are HIV-positive or who have AIDS as protection for others, since there is no medical or legal justification to indicate that they can transmit the virus through casual contact.
HIV infected individuals may have understandable concerns regarding confidentiality and privacy in connection with medical documentation and other information about their condition. Officials who have access to such information are required to maintain the confidentiality of that information. Those given responsibility for making and implementing personnel management decisions involving individuals with AIDS or HIV should strictly observe applicable privacy and confidentiality requirements. No information regarding an individual’s health record may be released without their written consent and such records should be made available only to officials who have a need to know for appropriate management purposes.
The preceding guidelines are subject to change in accordance with any changes or new developments in the three governing factors— medical information, applicable federal and/or state laws and students’ rights to privacy.
The Office of Counseling Services provides counseling services to students who may be experiencing psychological, behavioral, or learning difficulties. Individual or group counseling is offered to provide students with the skills to manage and overcome emotional and psychological concerns that interfere with their ability to achieve academic and personal success. Other services provided include: crisis intervention, assessment, consultation, psycho-education, and referrals. Drug and alcohol education is offered and referrals are provided for intensive and specialized treatment. Services are confidential and provided free to enrolled students. Lincoln University maintains the confidentiality of identifiable health information in accordance with the provisions of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) Act.