Lincoln Lion Sculpture
Faculty & Staff Directory
Marilyn Button, Ph.D.

Marilyn Button, Ph.D.

Professor, Languages & Literature Department

Marilyn D. Button, Ph.D., is Professor of English and Chair of the Department of Languages and Literature at Lincoln University, PA. She has published articles on Flannery O’Connor, Muriel Spark, and English feminist and journal writer Frances Milton Trollope. Her first edited collection of articles, The Foreign Woman in British Literature: Aliens, Exotics, and Outsiders (Greenwood 1999) reflects an interest in the international dimension of British literature. Her second, Victorians and the Case for Charity: Essays on Responses to English Poverty by the State, the Church and the Literati, advocates for individual entrepreneurial initiatives in addressing the needs of the poor. She is the recipient of the Lincoln University Distinguished Faculty Award for Teaching Excellence (1994) and the Lindback Distinguished Teaching Award (2006).