Business Card Request

Faculty, staff, and student leaders may request production of their LU business cards from the Office of Communications & Public Relations by submitting the online form below.

The Office of Communications & Public Relations is pleased to fulfill business card requests for faculty, staff and students. All cards have a standard design to ensure consistency in LU's print communications. Cards are printed at the Copy Center on campus.

Please allow 10 business days to complete the business card process.

Parties in the Business Card Request Process

  1. Program Assistant - This is the program or department assistant in the unit that will assume the charges for the cardholder's business cards.
  2. Cardholder - The faculty, staff, or student leader who requests business cards. Temporary employees do not receive cards.
  3. Approver - The cardholder's supervisor. For faculty, the approver is the department chair. For student leaders, the dean of students is the approver.
  4. Cabinet Approver - This is the cabinet-level official of the division where the cardholder reports. This approver is not needed if the first approver is a member of cabinet. For students, this is the dean of students.

Business Card Example

Business Card Front
business card back

Business Card Prices

  • 250 - $10.50
  • 500 - $21.00
  • 1,000 - $42.00
+$5.00 design fee

Tips for Writing the Cardholder's Name

This field should include up to four parts:

  1. Honorific: Optional
    1. An honorific is optional.
      1. Honorific examples: Ms., Mr., Mrs., Professor
        1. Note: Only those who have achieved the rank of full professor should include "Professor" before their name.
      2. Do not include "Dr." before the name; If the cardholder has a doctorate, include PhD or EdD after their name.
        1. Example: John Smith, PhD '85 (do not include periods in degree acronyms)
  2. Full Name
  3. Credentials (if applicable)
    1. Include graduate degrees, if desired.
      1. Academic degrees should go from lowest on the left to highest on the right. (do not include periods in degree acronyms)
        1. Correct: Professor Sarah Thomas, MBA, PhD
        2. Business cards do not include information such as an associate or bachelor's degrees; only graduate degrees and higher are listed.  
  4. LU Graduation Year: Optional
Need Help Completing the Form?

Contact the Office of Communications & Public Relations at or 484-365-7427.